Assorted flavors of Snapple juice drinks | Source: Getty Images
Assorted flavors of Snapple juice drinks | Source: Getty Images

Snapple Facts List— 9 Tidbits of Knowledge beyond the Cap

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Mar 27, 2024
10:12 A.M.
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Are you looking to quench your thirst for unexpectedly fascinating knowledge? Dive into the captivating world of trivia with the Snapple facts list, spanning from random letters of the alphabet to unique cultural traditions!

Learning facts in the most unexpected ways can be fun! In this case, it's through Snapple, a globally renowned beverage company celebrated not only for its delicious juices but also for its unique method of disseminating knowledge: by printing fun facts under its bottle caps.

As a beloved feature found beneath the caps of Snapple bottles, this practice offers a treasure trove of fascinating tidbits. Here are 9 Snapple facts for you to read and enjoy!

A shelf displaying various Snapple juice drinks | Source: Shutterstock

A shelf displaying various Snapple juice drinks | Source: Shutterstock

9 Snapple Facts List

1. One is the only number with letters in reverse alphabetical order.

When spelling out "one" (O-N-E), the letters appear in reverse alphabetical order, marking a unique characteristic among the English names for numbers.

The concrete ground bears the numeral "one." | Source: Pexels

The concrete ground bears the numeral "one." | Source: Pexels

2. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) in Texas is larger than the island of Manhattan.

Covering approximately 27 square miles, DFW exceeds Manhattan’s area of about 22.82 square miles, standing as one of the largest airports by area.

3. Giraffes have the same number of vertebrae as humans: 7.

Despite their long necks, both humans and giraffes share the characteristic of having seven cervical vertebrae, though each vertebra is much longer in giraffes.

A woman feeds the giraffe at the Giraffe Center in Nairobi, Kenya. | Source: Shutterstock

A woman feeds the giraffe at the Giraffe Center in Nairobi, Kenya. | Source: Shutterstock

4. An octopus has nine brains and three hearts.

With a central brain and eight smaller brains for each arm, plus one main heart and two auxiliary hearts for pumping blood to the gills, octopuses are remarkably complex creatures.

An octopus resting atop the rock | Source: Shutterstock

An octopus resting atop the rock | Source: Shutterstock

5. Strawberries are actually members of the rose family.

As part of the Rosaceae family, strawberries share this botanical family with roses, as well as apples and pears, belonging to the genus Fragaria.

Boxes of strawberries | Source: Pexels

Boxes of strawberries | Source: Pexels

6. The flamingo can only eat when its head is upside down.

Flamingos feed by stirring up mud with their feet, then scooping up the water and mud with their beaks in an inverted position, utilizing their specially adapted beaks to filter food.

7. The word utopia – an ideal place – ironically comes from a Greek word meaning “no place.”

Coined by Sir Thomas More in his 1516 book "Utopia," the term derives from the Greek "ou" (not) and "topos" (place), meaning "no place" or "nowhere," to describe a perfect society.

The word "Utopia" is written in the sky. | Source: Shutterstock

The word "Utopia" is written in the sky. | Source: Shutterstock

8. Alaska is the only state that can be typed on one row of keys.

Remarkably, the name "Alaska" can be typed using only the letters found in one row of the QWERTY keyboard, specifically the second row from the top.

9. In Japan, letting a sumo wrestler make your baby cry is considered good luck.

Through the traditional "Naki Sumo" or "Crying Sumo" event, where sumo wrestlers aim to make babies cry, it is believed to bring good health and ward off evil spirits.

A baby, held by a sumo wrestler, cries during the Nakizumo or Naki Sumo Baby Crying contest at Sensoji Temple on April 28, 2019, in Tokyo, Japan. | Source: Getty Images

A baby, held by a sumo wrestler, cries during the Nakizumo or Naki Sumo Baby Crying contest at Sensoji Temple on April 28, 2019, in Tokyo, Japan. | Source: Getty Images

From fascinating numerical quirks to intriguing animal facts and cultural insights, Snapple facts never fail to entertain and educate. So, the next time you twist open a bottle, take a moment to savor not just the refreshing beverage but also the delightful morsel of trivia waiting beneath the cap.

Just like the captivating Snapple facts that ignite our curiosity, we invite you to delve deeper into the world of trivia. Why not venture into Fun Fact Tuesday to add an extra sparkle to your week? You never know what fascinating tidbits await you!

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