Rice | Source: Getty Images
Rice | Source: Getty Images

4 Rice Fun Facts That Highlight Its Diverse Uses — from Hair Care to Architectural Ingenuity

Milla Sigaba
Jan 30, 2024
08:52 A.M.
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While rice is not the fanciest food source out there, this grain is rich in other ways, including its long history that dates back years and its unconventional yet beneficial uses.

We've all enjoyed a meal with rice at least once in our lives, as this food source is a staple in people's diets around the world. However, despite being a common ingredient in homes, there are many things you might be surprised to learn about rice.

To discover more about this multi-purpose grain, including how it has something to do with the Great Wall of China's construction and other fascinating tidbits, continue reading for four fun facts about rice.

Rice | Source: Getty Images

Rice | Source: Getty Images

Rice Fun Facts

1. Some people use rice water to grow their hair.

For centuries, women across Asia have used rice water to promote healthy hair and hair growth. However, given the rise of social media over the years, utilizing rice water for luscious locks has become a worldwide craze.

Rice water is believed to be rich in amino acids, vitamins B and E, minerals, and antioxidants that perform wonders on hair. Many users have flooded the internet with testimonials of longer, shinier, and healthier hair thanks to this natural alternative.

Rice water | Source: Getty Images

Rice water | Source: Getty Images

2. Many historians believe rice has been grown and eaten for thousands of years.

According to historians, it is challenging to pinpoint the exact period humanity realized rice was a food source. However, evidence points to the fact that humans have been planting and eating rice since as far back as 5,000 years BC.

Archaeologists discovered rice in India, dating back to 4530 BC; however, the first recorded mention of rice comes from China in 2800 BC. Today, rice is the dominant part of most populations' diets worldwide.

Rice held by a hand | Source: Getty Images

Rice held by a hand | Source: Getty Images

3. The Great Wall of China is held together by sticky rice mortar.

The Great Wall of China is an integral part of the Asian country's culture and identity and is well-known across the planet. However, what some might be surprised to learn is that the impressively large landmark is held together by sticky rice.

Scientists found that the mortar of The Great Wall of China is mixed with a "sticky rice-lime mortar," which has allowed the structure to stand the test of time and withstand natural forces such as earthquakes.

The Great Wall of China | Source: Getty Images

The Great Wall of China | Source: Getty Images

4. All white rice starts brown.

A milling process removes the brown rice's husk, bran, and germ, leaving it a polished white color. This process increases the rice's shelf life but also strips it of a lot of its nutrients.

Brown and white rice | Source: Getty Images

Brown and white rice | Source: Getty Images

Now that you know a few interesting tidbits about rice, you can better appreciate this seemingly mundane staple that is actually rich in history, uses, and benefits. For more food-related tidbits, here are four fun facts about cake.

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