A woman baking | Source: Getty Images
A woman baking | Source: Getty Images

4 Fun Facts about Baking – From Its History to Its Therapeutic Properties

Milla Sigaba
Jan 23, 2024
09:02 A.M.
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Baking is not only a beloved activity with surprising health benefits but is also rich with a long and fascinating history that you can learn more about with these four fun facts about baking.

Baking has been around for a very long time and has become a beloved activity with therapeutic properties.

On top of that, baking is layered with sweet, interesting tidbits and the icing on the cake is that you can get a taste of a few of them with these 4 fun facts about baking.

A woman baking | Source: Getty Images

A woman baking | Source: Getty Images

Fun Facts about Baking

1. Baking soda, one of the key ingredients in baking, has a lot of uses.

Whether you're a seasoned baker or just starting, you would've noticed that many baking recipes call for a sprinkle of baking soda.

However, you might be surprised to hear that baking soda has many benefits and uses in addition to making dough light and fluffy. You can use baking soda to polish silver, tenderize meat, whiten teeth, freshen the air, and more.

Baking soda | Source: Getty Images

Baking soda | Source: Getty Images

2. Baking can be therapeutic.

Thanks to the numerous benefits of baking, it is also seen as a genuine form of self-care. Engaging in baking activities can be therapeutic, as measuring, mixing, and being in control of something can help relieve stress and provide a sense of accomplishment. The delightful aroma that fills the kitchen when preparing a baked good is also an instant mood lifter.

A mother and daughter baking | Source: Getty Images

A mother and daughter baking | Source: Getty Images

3. Baking is considered both an art and a science.

While baking is an excellent way to express yourself creatively, it is just as much a science as an art form. The science of baking lies in measuring ingredients, which work in ratios, and the chemical and molecular interactions behind our favorite desserts.

Baking ingredients | Source: Getty Images

Baking ingredients | Source: Getty Images

4. According to historians, the Ancient Egyptians were the first culture to exhibit baking skills.

As the history of cakes tells it, baked goods have been around for centuries — as far back as the time of the Ancient Egyptians. In fact, Egypt has been credited for inventing cakes, as they were the first civilization to exhibit advanced baking skills.

However, back then, cakes looked slightly different, as they were more bread-like, sweetened with honey, and often consisted of fruit and nuts.

Cake | Source: Getty Images

Cake | Source: Getty Images

Hopefully, you've enjoyed this brief adventure uncovering interesting tidbits surrounding baking and learned something new. For more food-related facts, here are 4 fun facts about tacos for you to indulge in.

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