A woman eating a bowl of popcorn | Shutterstock
A woman eating a bowl of popcorn | Shutterstock

Popcorn Trivia: Test Your Kernel Knowledge with These 17 Questions

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Jan 11, 2024
01:00 P.M.
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Popcorn is more than just a tasty treat; it's a cultural phenomenon intertwined with our love for movies. But the experience doesn't stop at the taste buds. Dive into the world of entertainment with trivia questions centered around our beloved movie snack.

Popcorn has become synonymous with happiness with its delightful flavor and satisfying crunch. But it isn't just a crunchy delight but a symbol of shared joy and connection.

That said, spice up your trivia games with fun popcorn facts. Keep reading for a delightful collection of trivia questions that promise shared knowledge and joy with friends and loved ones.

A bag of popcorn | Source: Pexels

A bag of popcorn | Source: Pexels

Test Your Kernel Knowledge with These 17 Popcorn Trivia Questions

1. What is the term for sweet popcorn?

  • Answer: Kettle corn

2. Popcorn is usually covered in what?

  • Answer: Salt, butter flavoring, and sugar

3. In what year was microwavable popcorn invented?

  • Answer: 1981

4. Who invented popcorn?

  • Answer: Charles Cretors of Chicago

5. What plant is popcorn made from?

  • Answer: Zea mays everta, a type of maize
A woman with her large cup of popcorn | Source: Pexels

A woman with her large cup of popcorn | Source: Pexels

6. What causes popcorn to pop?

  • Answer: The heat causes the moisture inside the kernel to turn into steam, causing it to pop.

7. How hot does the popcorn kernel need to be before it pops?

  • Answer: Approximately 180 degrees Celsius (356 degrees Fahrenheit)

8. Which state in the USA is the largest producer of popcorn?

  • Answer: Indiana, as of 2021, surpassing Nebraska, which used to be the top-producing state

9. In which century was popcorn first introduced to Europeans?

  • Answer: The 17th century

10. What is the most popular flavor of popcorn in America?

  • Answer: Buttered popcorn
A popcorn glazed with syrup | Source: Pexels

A popcorn glazed with syrup | Source: Pexels

11. Which movie theater first started selling popcorn?

  • Answer: Linwood Theater, Los Angeles, early 1930s

12. What is the average weight of a popcorn kernel?

  • Answer: Approximately 0.1 grams

13. What is the name of the tough part of the popcorn kernel?

  • Answer: The hull or pericarp

14. What color are popcorn kernels before they're popped?

  • Answer: Golden yellow

15. In what season does popcorn harvesting typically occur?

Kernels popping in a pan | Source: Pexels

Kernels popping in a pan | Source: Pexels

16. What are the two basic shapes of popcorn?

  • Answer: Butterfly and mushroom

17. What is the term used to refer to the percentage of kernels that pop?

  • Answer: Popability
Moviegoers enjoying popcorn in the cinema | Source: Pexels

Moviegoers enjoying popcorn in the cinema | Source: Pexels

These delightful tidbits not only add flavor to your popcorn experience but also sweeten your moments with loved ones. So, the next time you grab a bag of popcorn, relish the joy of learning these trivia facts and munch away while sharing smiles and stories.

If you want more food-related trivia questions, try these pizza riddles on your loved ones.

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