A couple's shoes | Source: Getty Images
A couple's shoes | Source: Getty Images

Facts about Shoes to Walk through for Some Soleful Insights

Milla Sigaba
Jan 21, 2024
05:30 A.M.
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Shoes are not only a form of protection for your feet but have also become a form of expression of your style. If you, like many others worldwide, are a true shoe enthusiast, these four fun facts will surely entice you.

As the history of shoes tells it, footwear has been around for thousands of years and went from being a form of foot protection, and with many health benefits, to a fashion statement.

For many, the shoes they wear are a form of self-expression; this was also the surprising case for Persian men, for whom high heels were initially made. Enjoy these four fun facts about shoes for more intriguing shoe tidbits you might not have known.

A woman putting on high heels | Source: Getty Images

A woman putting on high heels | Source: Getty Images

Fun Facts about Shoes

1. There's a world record for the fastest 100-meter sprint in high heels.

In 2015, Denmark native Majken Sichlau made it into the Guinness World Records for recording the fastest time in the 100-m high-heel sprint during the Tarnby Games. Sichlau set the record after completing the 100 m run in high heels in only 13.557 seconds.

2. The world's oldest known leather shoe is over 5, 000 years old.

In 2010, archaeologists discovered the world's oldest known leather shoe in Armenia. The footwear dates back over 5, 000 years, and while it was understandably not in excellent condition, the cow-hide shoe has been well-preserved over the years and has the unmissable general construct of a modern-day shoe.

3. High heels were first invented for men.

Nowadays, high heels are commonly considered a feminine piece of clothing. However, this elevated footwear was historically invented for Persian men to help them keep their shoes in their stirrups.

Over time, high heels became a symbol of power for men, as well as an expression of their refined taste in fashion, much like today.

Old fashioned high heels | Source: Getty Images

Old fashioned high heels | Source: Getty Images

4. Celine Dion admitted to having 10, 000 pairs of shoes.

Celine Dion | Source: Getty Images

Celine Dion | Source: Getty Images

From being a form of foot protection to offering numerous health benefits to becoming a means for stylistic expression, shoes, such a seemingly ordinary piece of our everyday lives, are actually very versatile and seeping with so many fun facts. For more fun facts, here are four creepy facts about Niagara Falls.

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