Greece | The Acropolis| Source: Flickr
Greece | The Acropolis| Source: Flickr

Greek Trivia Questions P. 2 — Put Your Knowledge of This European Country to the Test with This Fun Quiz

Milla Sigaba
Apr 08, 2024
12:30 P.M.
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Welcome back, trivia aficionados and Greece enthusiasts, to part 2 of our journey through the enchanting lands of Greece! In our first installment, we barely scratched the surface of this magnificent country, a destination that tops bucket lists worldwide.

Greece, with its sun-soaked islands, ancient ruins whispering tales of yore, and culinary delights that can transport your senses, is undeniably a treasure trove of cultural richness and historical depth.

This time, in part 2 of our series on Greek trivia questions, we're diving deeper, challenging the breadth and depth of your knowledge about all things Hellenic. Are you ready to explore the lesser-known facets of Greek life and history? Let's find out if you can truly call yourself a philhellene!

Santorini, Greece | Source: Getty Images

Santorini, Greece | Source: Getty Images

Greek Trivia Questions

1. How many UNESCO World Heritage Sites are there in Greece?

A. 32

B. 18

C. 10

D. 12

Answer: B. 18

2. What is the national dish of Greece?

Answer: Moussaka

3. In Greek mythology, what did Icarus do wrong?

Answer: He flew too close to the sun

The Parthenon | Source: Pexels

The Parthenon | Source: Pexels

4. Who was the iconic king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon?

A. Zeus

B. Alexander the Great

C. Odysseus

D. Achilles

Answer: B. Alexander the Great

5. What is Greece also called?

Answer: The Hellenic Republic

A sculpture of  Alexander the Great | Source: Pexels

A sculpture of Alexander the Great | Source: Pexels

6. What chemical compound is derived from the Greek word for "primary"?

Answer: Protein

7. What commodity is Greece the third largest producer of?

Answer: Olive oil

8. In what year did the Ancient Olympic Games first take place?

Answer: 776 BC

9. True or False? More tourists visit Greece every year than the entire Greek population.

10. Which branch of Christianity is traditionally followed in Greece?

Answer: Orthodox

Santorini, Greece | Source: Pexels

Santorini, Greece | Source: Pexels

In wrapping up our thrilling quiz, we hope you found joy and challenge in testing your knowledge with part 2 of our series on Greek trivia questions.

Whether you were stumped or sailed through with ease, each question was a gateway to understanding more about the rich tapestry that is Greek culture, history, and daily life.

As we conclude this journey through Greece, don't let the adventure end here. If your appetite for cultural exploration and culinary curiosity has been whetted, why not continue the quest for knowledge with another delicious challenge: Italian food trivia part 2?

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